Introducing the AgriChain platform

Introducing The AgriChain Platform
agricultural supply chain

What is AgriChain?

AgriChain supports traditional, well-established agricultural supply chains with a dynamic and seamless management software solution. Our product is a simple-to-use, secure, independent platform that connects and transfers information between supply chain participants.

To manage agricultural products as they move across the globe, businesses need a transparent, trustworthy platform to facilitate those transactions. AgriChain builds networks amongst key stakeholders and improves time to market, while reducing supply chain costs and inefficiencies.

mobile software for farming

Connecting the supply chain

Combining user-friendly native mobile software for farming, logistics providers and receival sites with a powerful web application for business administration, AgriChain provides end-to-end visibility of the agricultural supply chain.

Our product automates the delivery process, from the paddock to end user. As each load is picked up and delivered, data is collected and time-stamped at each point along the supply chain. All parties are updated in real-time as each transaction takes place. Through this process, AgriChain improves productivity, increases visibility, manages stock, automates freight orders and eliminates manual paperwork.


Product history

AgriChain is the culmination of four years of design, development, testing and refinement. Our original product has been used in the industry for three years by leading farmers, flour mills, feedlots, crush plants and stock feed manufacturers across the USA, Australia and Asia.

The latest AgriChain product brings a number of new and enhanced features, expanding our capabilities and providing a real-world solution to improve the agricultural supply chain.

See how we can empower you

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! Our team are always keen to meet new people - so please get in touch, provide feedback or request to receive more information about our product.