AutoWeigh – The only way

“Automate Automate Automate” –  This has long been the mantra of the AgriChain ecosystem. As best we can, we try to automate as much as possible. One of the largest inefficiencies we see at our bulk handler sites, flour mills, and feedlots is the way data is captured or entered from a weighbridge.

Most sites have a minimum of one bridge, with some of our sites having as many as three, all of which need to be staffed at various times throughout the year at considerable cost to the business.

This month, with the support of the Ravensworth Feedlot, we have begun our journey towards integrating AgriChain with AutoWeigh.

What is AutoWeigh? AutoWeigh is an exceptionally robust piece of software that has been handling harvest and post-harvest receivals and outturns for a number of large sites in Australia for many years.

It is capable of managing grower receivals, including cashing requirements, as well as post-harvest deliveries and outturns. What makes this really exciting is that when coupled with our automated timeslotting solution, you have an exceptionally well-rounded, fully automated, inbound and outbound platform.

Key Benefits of AutoWeigh:

Reduce Data Errors
Reduce Labor Costs
Increase throughput speed
Reduce customer delivery and outturn errors
Safety – Drivers remain in truck
Scalability – Less staff training

How does it work? With ANPR cameras mounted on the bridge (and a backup touchscreen), the AutoWeigh system simply reads the license plate of the truck as it pulls onto the bridge. Once the bridge settles and all requirements are met, the weight is captured, and the driver is instructed to move off by the traffic lights. The system works across sites that have multiple weigh bridges, allowing trucks to use any bridge on the way in or out to achieve the desired result.

The AutoWeigh module will be available for harvest, and we are taking orders now with the first rollouts locked in for the Ravensworth Feedlot and the team at Agconnex in Griffith NSW.