The evolution of the BlockGrain brand

As our company expands and the demand for our product, BlockGrain 2.0, going beyond the grain industry, our team and advisors have made the strategic decision to rebrand from BlockGrain to AgriChain. With interest from industries such as chia, wool, cotton, fruit and vege, our rebrand to AgriChain will be better aligned with our vision to become the largest industry-wide platform in agricultural supply chains.

AgriChain will connect sellers and buyers, provide full paddock-to-plate traceability, and allow bulk logistic companies to manage and grow their operations. We have also formed strategic partnerships with a large number of food and manufacturing companies globally to set up proof of concepts for widespread adoption.

But most importantly, AgriChain will bring value back to farms by enabling transparent and trackable products, reduce risks, and increase sales with technology-powered trust.

With this, we are very excited to be transitioning to our new identity AgriChain, and we would like to thank our community in the agriculture, blockchain, and technology sphere.

AgriChain Dashboard Related Tag: grain management software